


Terms of Use - POSTAJ LLC.

Terms of Use - POSTAJ LLC.

Terms of Use - POSTAJ LLC.



Postaj is a limited liability company founded in Croatia, registered with the Zagreb Chamber of Commerce under number 49576018121, with headquarters at Lapačka 17, 10 000 Zagreb (hereinafter: Postaj).‍

Postaj is an intermediary that enables the connection of Users and Partners through a mobile application and website.

Our application facilitates finding and engaging a service provider for User needs. It is designed to simplify the process of finding and booking services, saving User's time by serving as a bulletin board where users can post the need for certain work and potential service providers respond to this ad, among which users choose their favorite.


  • User - A person who has advertised the need for performing works and/or providing any kind of service on the application.

  • Service ad - A User’s publication seeking the performance of works and/or the provision of a Partner's service.

  • Partner - Contractor – service provider, an independent third party.

  • Partner services - Services that Partners offer and provide to Users.

  • Postaj - Postaj LLC or any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies.‍

  • Postaj services - Services provided directly by Postaj.

  • Postaj mobile application - A mobile application owned by Postaj facilitating the connection of Users and Partners.

  • Postaj Website - A website owned by Postaj.

  • Postaj mobile application and Postaj Website together - Postaj platform.


General terms apply to all relationships between Users and Partners in connection with the use of Postaj mobile application and Postaj Website. The general terms define, among other things, access to Postaj mobile application and Postaj Website, the manner of contracting Partner services, and the use of Postaj services. By logging into Postaj mobile application and confirming on the Postaj Website, it is considered as consenting to the General terms and entered into a contractual relationship between Postaj and the User or Partner.‍Amended General terms take effect after publication on the Application or Website or notification from (hereinafter: Notification). Continuing to use the Postaj Platform after the date of publication or receipt of the Notification is considered as consenting to the amended general terms.


Services provided by Postaj, include, among others:

  • Access and use of the Postaj Platform which allows the User, among other things, to post the Service ad, make contact with the Partner, exchange information, contract the execution of services, and review the received service.

  • Access and use of the Postaj Platform which enables the Partner to learn about published Service ads, information about the requested service, express interest in providing a service, contact the User, exchange information, and contract the provision of service as well as reviewing the User.‍

In the event that the User and Partner agree on mutual cooperation, the contractual relationship created for the provision of service (based on the posted Service ad) is a separate contractual relationship entered into directly between the User and the Partner in which Postaj is not a contracting party.‍Postaj, under no circumstances, is responsible for the fulfillment of the contract concluded directly between the User and the Partner.‍The Postaj platform may use links from other websites that are not under the control of Postaj. Postaj is not responsible for the information and materials or other content available on third party websites.


Individuals registered as Partners on the Postaj platform are legal entities and craftsmen who are qualified, among other things, in performing construction works, design services, engineering services, service, repairs, and maintenance of installations and home appliances.‍



The User publishes a Service ad on the Postaj platform. The ad must contain the following information:

  • Description of the issue,

  • Time frame in which the User is suitable to start the provision of the service (It is necessary to specify up to three dates on which the Partner can access the service location, if necessary, inspect the problem, and begin the provision of service),

  • Photos of the service object,

  • Location of service provision (city and City District).

After the User publishes the Service ad, Partners can apply for it. By applying, the Partner confirms that they are ready to perform the service described in the ad.‍Every application from interested Partners is notified to the User via the Postaj platform.‍After the Partner applies for the job, the User and Partner simultaneously receive each other's contact details to be able to make contact. The User is not obliged to contract the provision of service with any interested Partners. After the User and Partner directly enter into a legal transaction, the User confirms the conclusion of the agreement on the Postaj platform. Partners are responsible for all obligations arising from the provision of services.


The User and Partner can rate each other via the Postaj platform.‍When rating, the User and Partner are obliged to adhere to the following criteria: can only rate a person with whom you had direct experience, the use of swear words, offensive, racist language and language of hatred is prohibited, rating cannot contain discriminatory references on any discriminatory basis from the Anti-Discrimination Act (NN 85/08, 112/12) conclusions about the legality of someone's behavior are not approved, the publication of false and misleading statements is forbidden, you may not organize a campaign that encourages others to publish reviews, either positive or negative.‍Postaj reserves the right to accept, reject, or remove ratings at its own discretion. Postaj is not obliged to review and delete ratings.


The Postaj platform can be downloaded or accessed on most modern mobile devices with an internet connection and equipped with operating systems such as Android or iOS. The Postaj mobile application cannot be accessed via a personal computer.‍ The User/Partner is responsible for ensuring network access and for the rates and fees of the mobile operator, including mobile data consumption when using the Postaj platform.‍ The User/Partner is responsible for providing a personal computer/mobile device adequate to access the Platform as well as taking care of the necessary updates.‍ Registration is necessary to use the Postaj platform. User/Partner must be of legal age. Personal data necessary for registration are: name and surname, telephone number, e-mail address.‍ If additional data are required for adequate use of the Platform, Postaj will request the same from the Partner/User. Postaj may temporarily limit access to the Platform if there is suspicion that obligations defined in these Regulations have been violated.


Our intellectual property

Postaj owns all intellectual rights in Postaj services, including all source code, databases, functionality, software, website design, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics in Postaj services (collectively referred to as: Content), as well as trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (hereinafter: Marks).‍

Using services

Postaj retains all rights that are not expressly granted by these Terms. Our Platform services, our devices, and all data collected through the Postaj platform, including all intellectual property rights in everything mentioned in the text above (Service Provision) remain the property of Postaj.‍The User/Partner must not, nor allow a third party to: license, sublicense, copy, alter, distribute, create, sell, resell, convey, or rent any part of the Postaj platform; analyze by reverse engineering or attempt to extract the source code of Postaj mobile applications and/or websites, except as permitted by law; initiate or cause the launch of any programs or scripts for the purpose of scraping, indexing, researching, or any other data mining activities that constitute any part of Postaj mobile applications and/or websites or data; use, display, or manipulate any of Postaj names, marks, or works for any purpose other than using Postaj mobile applications and/or websites and/or services; create or register a business, URLs, domain names, application software titles, social network names, or profiles that contain; Postaj names, marks, or works or any confusingly or significantly similar name, mark, title, or work; use Postaj name, mark, or work as your profile photo or background on social networks; buy keywords (including, but not limited to Google AdWords) that contain any Postaj name, mark, or work; apply for registration, referral, use, copying, and/or appropriate the ownership rights of Postaj names, marks, or works, or in any confusing or significantly similar name, mark, title, or work, in any way and for any purpose, alone or in combination with other letters, punctuation, words, symbols, design, and/or any creative works.‍

Copyright of Partners

The content and intellectual property of the Partners is published exclusively with the oral or written consent of the Partners. At the request of the Partner, which may be written or oral, the administrator will immediately withdraw intellectual property or delete the Partner profile.


You shall not access or use the Platform for any other purpose than that for which it is made available. Services should not be used in connection with any commercial ventures except those that we have expressly confirmed or approved.
You agree not to: Systematically retrieve data or other content from the Platform to create, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory without written permission from Postaj.Deceive or mislead Postaj, other users, and/or Partners.Bypass, disable, or otherwise interfere with security features, including features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any content or impose limits on the use of content contained therein.Use any information obtained from the Platform in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person.Improperly use our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct.Use the Postaj Platform in a manner that is not in compliance with applicable laws or regulations.Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or transmit) viruses, Trojan horses, or other materials, including excessive use of capital letters and spam (continuous posting of repetitive text), that interfere with any party's uninterrupted use and enjoyment of services or modifies, impairs, disrupts, alters or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the Postaj Platform.Engage in any automated use of the system, such as using scripts to send comments or messages, or using any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.Delete copyright notices or other property rights from any content.Attempt to impersonate another user or entity or use the usernames of other users.Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or transmit) any material that acts as a passive or active information gathering or transmitting mechanism.Interfere with or create unnecessary workload on services or networks or services connected to the services.Harass, pester, intimidate, or threaten employees or associates of Postaj.Attempt to bypass any measures of the Platform designed to prevent or restrict access to the Platform or any part of the Platform.Copy or adapt the software of the services, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, or any other code.Except as permitted by applicable law, decrypt, decompile, disassemble, or perform reverse engineering on any software that contains or in any way makes up part of the services.Except as may be the result of standard search engine or Internet browser usage, use, run, develop, or distribute any automated system, including without limitation any spider, robot, cheat utility, scraper, or offline reader that accesses the services, or use or run any unauthorized script or other software.Unauthorized use of the Platform, including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of users by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email or creating user accounts by automated means or under false pretenses.Use services as part of any effort to compete with us or otherwise use services and/or content for any revenue-generating endeavor or commercial enterprise.Sell or otherwise transfer your profile to another party.‍


If you access the Services through an application – specifically Postaj services, Postaj grants a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to install and use the application on wireless electronic devices you own or that are under your control, and to access and use such application on such devices strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of this mobile application license contained in these General Terms.


User obligations

When creating a user account, you must provide complete and accurate information.‍You warrant that the data is accurate and that the contact details are also the contact details of the person who will also be the service ordering party.‍When registering, for phone number verification, Postaj may send the User an SMS with a verification code.‍The User must not share or have common use of the User Account except in the case of explicit permission from Postaj.‍Once you open a user account:You must not register more than one account except in the case of prior written approval from Postaj,you must regularly update data,you must always keep your login information confidential,you must immediately notify Postaj if you have any reason to believe that someone else knows your username or password or if you suspect that someone else is using your account,you agree that the service provider may post ratings and comments about you as a user on their Postaj platform profile after the service has been completed,upon completion of the works by the Partner, you are obliged to close the inquiry.‍Postaj reserves the right to remove, reclaim, or change the username you chose if, at its own discretion, Postaj determines that such username is inappropriate.‍‍

Abuse in sending inquiries

It is only allowed for persons who need the services provided by Partners (see Partner services) to post a Service request ad.‍Posting a Service Request ad for market research purposes or to access a list of contractors for commercial purposes is not permitted.‍If Postaj determines that you have requested a service in order to seek your own subcontractors or mediate labor, it may charge for posting a commercial inquiry according to the current rate for Partners.‍

User dissatisfaction with the quality of the Partner's service

Although Postaj is not responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the Partner and any resulting damage, Postaj wants to help the user in resolving any possible dissatisfaction using guidelines and communication with the Partner.‍ Postaj can only help you with resolving complaints if: the Partner responded to the Service ad, the services were provided by a Partner who is registered on the Postaj platform‍ Postaj provides assistance in resolving complaints when you submit: proof of payment for the service ((an invoice or signed estimate from the Partner), evidence material for the recognition of the complaint (such as photographs, findings and opinions of court experts, etc.), the exact date of starting the work, correspondence from which it is clearly seen that you invited the Partner to rectify the deficiencies. If dissatisfaction occurs during the provision of the service (therefore, before completion) then it is necessary to attach proof from which it follows that you are in a contractual relationship with the Partner.‍

Fees and payments

You will not be charged fees for using the Postaj platform. Postaj reserves the right to introduce a fee for use, in which case you will be notified. We reserve the right to introduce a fee for using certain features on the Postaj platform. These fees may be subject to separate terms.


Preconditions for registration

When creating a User Account, Postaj records company/craft and reported activities data into an electronic database.‍ The conditions for registration are the following: that the Partner is a legal entity or craftsman,that the Partner is registered for the activity offered to users on the Postaj platform,that the Partner fulfills all legal requirements related to the performance of services for which they have applied on the Postaj platform, that he has a valid e-mail address and a functioning mobile phone number.‍In each case, the Partner must notify Postaj in writing within 7 days if they fail to meet/stop meeting any of the above conditions. If Postaj determines that the Partner does not meet the conditions, it may temporarily suspend cooperation or delete the Partner from the Postaj Platform.

Trial Period

Postaj may provide the Partner with a free trial period. The scope of free services and the period during which the free services are valid can be changed by Postaj at any time without notice.

Subscription Packages and Billing

The Postaj platform offers various subscription packages for Postaj partners. Postaj defines the subscription packages in a separate document. The subscription relationship begins at the moment the subscription amount is paid. The Postaj platform enables access to the overview of Advertisements for services no later than 48 hours after receiving the payment, if the next day is a working day. We accept digital forms of payment. All purchases are non-refundable. Our subscription plan allows Partners to cancel at any time, no questions asked. Even if a Partner cancels their subscription, they will still have access to the features and benefits of their plan for the duration for which the subscription was contracted.

Subscriptions will automatically renew unless canceled within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You can cancel your subscription at any time in your iTunes or Google account settings. Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription.

Any change in services within the package may result in a separate fee set by Postaj and may change at any time without notice.

Receiving Notifications about Submitted Job Posts for Providing Services

Postaj provides the Partner with information about a new Advertisement through its information channels via the Postaj platform. At the moment when a User posts an Advertisement for providing a service, all Partners performing the requested activity receive a notification through the Postaj platform. On the Postaj platform, the Partner has the option to access all information related to the service in question. All Partners can apply for the Advertisement. The User may choose up to three favorites among the interested Partners, who then receive the User's contact information. If the User has chosen favorites among the interested Partners, the Advertisement is no longer available to other Partners for application. The Partners chosen as favorites by the User contact the User and arrange the details related to the service provision. In case Postaj determines that the User has previously violated the terms of use or otherwise misused the Platform, manipulated Partners, or in any way harmed them, Postaj will notify the Partner.

Service Categories for Inquiries

Partners may only receive requests for service categories for which they are registered. In exceptional cases, Partners may forward inquiries to permanent collaborators in case the project implementation requires special service categories that the Partner does not provide. Postaj may, at its discretion, remove certain categories from the provider, especially in case of suspected abuse or when the service provider fails to prove qualification for a certain category.

Performer Profile

The Partner's profile is the Partner's page on the Postaj platform. The profile is set up by Postaj or the Partner themselves. The profile is created upon registration of the service provider. In case the profile is managed by Postaj, it determines the basic content and description. In case the Partner registers their company themselves, they enter mandatory information into the form, which becomes part of the Platform's content. All content can be edited by the Partner themselves, in exceptional cases, they may request help in editing the content from Postaj. Common contents on the profile include: profile picture, image references with descriptions, description of the legal entity/business, activities that the companies have registered to perform, an unlimited number of other textual contents. Postaj is not responsible for the content on the profiles. The content and intellectual property of the Partner is published exclusively with the verbal or written consent of the Partner themselves. At the request of the Partner, which may be in written or verbal form, Postaj will immediately remove the intellectual property or delete the profile.

Exclusion of Partners

The exclusion of a Partner from the system follows: if the Partner no longer meets the basic conditions for access to the Postaj platform, based on substantiated complaints from Users about the service, in case of non-payment of due obligations, in case of detection of unauthorized use of personal data. Postaj may also exclude a Partner in case of multiple poor ratings of the Partner by Users. Postaj will notify the Partner about the exclusion by mail, phone, or email within three days of the exclusion. Postaj reserves the right to change the criteria for exclusion.


Privacy Notice

Postaj collects, uses, and discloses information from you or about you as described in our Privacy Policy. Additional privacy rules may apply, including the rules of the Partner, for Services provided by Postaj or Services of the Partner.

Your Responsibility and Limitation of Liability

You are responsible for all damage that Postaj has suffered as a result of your breach of these Terms and/or Laws and other regulations.


The operation of the Postaj platform may be subject to limitations, delays, and/or other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications, and it is not guaranteed that it will be available and error-free at all times. We may have problems with hardware, software, or other issues or need to perform maintenance related to the Services, which may result in interruptions, delays, or errors. We reserve the right to change, revise, update, suspend, discontinue, or otherwise modify the Platform at any time or for any reason without notice. You agree that we have no liability for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by your inability to access or use the Platform during any downtime or inability of the Platform to operate. You agree to use the services at your own risk, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with the services and your use thereof. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the services or the content of any websites or mobile applications linked to the services and will not assume any liability or responsibility for any.


There may be information on the Services that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including descriptions, prices, availability, and various other information. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or update information on the Services at any time, without prior notice.


You are free at any time to use the Postaj platform and may terminate the relationship with Postaj by closing your user account. Postaj may terminate the relationship and revoke access to the Postaj Services with immediate effect if we conclude that the Terms or any other agreement with Postaj have been violated. Postaj may, at its own discretion, terminate the relationship and revoke access to the Platform at any time with reasonable timely written notice.

User Data

We will keep certain data that you transmit to the Platform for the purpose of managing the performance of the Platform, as well as data related to your use of the Platform. Although we perform regular routine backups of data, you are solely responsible for all data that you transmit or that relates to any activity you have undertaken using the Platform. You agree that Postaj will not be liable to you for any loss or damage to such data, and hereby waive any right to sue Postaj arising from any loss or damage to such data. Postaj may mediate data about Partners to advertisers. These data include activity, commercial interests, and general information about the services provided by the Partner. Postaj mediates targeted data only to those advertisers who provide services or products useful to a particular category of service providers.


The invalidity of individual provisions of these Terms does not affect the validity and applicability of the other provisions of these Terms. Any invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision will be deemed deleted. Postaj may assign, subcontract, or transfer these Terms or any of our rights or obligations arising from them, in whole or in part, without your prior consent, provided that this will not lead to a reduction in the rights that belong to you under these Terms or under the law. The User and Partner may not assign, subcontract, or transfer these Terms or any of our rights or obligations, in whole or in part. Together with any additional agreement related to the provision of Postaj services, these Terms form an integral part of the agreement, and replace all previous agreements related to your access and use of the Platform. You may be required to accept additional terms for access to the Platform. If there is a conflict between these Terms and a specific agreement, the latter will prevail unless otherwise specified in that specific agreement. There are no third parties to whose benefit these Terms are contracted except as provided by these Terms.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

The agreement to accept these general terms and conditions is made in Zagreb. For disputes arising from the use of services of general terms and conditions, exclusively the law of the Republic of Croatia is used. Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved amicably by the involved parties. Otherwise, each of the contractual parties may initiate a dispute at the competent court in Zagreb.


To resolve a complaint regarding the services or to receive additional information regarding the use of the services, please contact us at:

Postaj d.o.o.

Lapačka 17

Zagreb, 10000


© 2024 Postaj d.o.o.

© 2024 Postaj d.o.o.

© 2024 Postaj d.o.o.