Postaj blog
Dec 8, 2023
Boiler and heating service as preparation for winter, and chemical cleaning as preparation for the holidays!
Winter is at our doorstep, and with it comes what we love most - warm clothing, scents of Christmas cookies, and of course, the festive atmosphere. However, in order to enjoy the comfort of our home during the cold months, we must take care of three important things: heating, boilers, and cleanliness!
1. Heating:
• Regularly service your heating to ensure it operates efficiently.
• Install a programmable thermostat to automatically regulate the temperature and reduce heating costs when you're not at home.
• Check the insulation of windows and doors and repair any defects to prevent cold air from entering.
• Clean and check the chimney before you start using the fireplace.
2. Boilers:
• Set the thermostat on the boiler to the optimal temperature to reduce energy consumption.
• Drain the boiler to remove accumulated sediment.
• If you notice leakage or issues with the boiler, immediately call a service provider via the Postaj app to avoid larger malfunctions.
• And don't forget regular maintenance!
3. Chemical cleaning:
• Plan a deep cleaning of the house before the holidays to get rid of dust and dirt.
• Chemically clean carpets to freshen up the room and remove stains.
• Wash or chemically clean curtains to freshen up the look of the windows.
We hope that these few tips are helpful and that they will assist you in preparing for winter and the holidays with less stress and more enjoyment in the warmth of your home and family.
And find a service provider for your repair on the Postaj app and website.
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